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Random class in java

The Random is a built-in class in java used to generate a stream of pseudo-random numbers in java programming. The Random class is available inside the java.util package.

The Random class implements Serializable, Cloneable and Comparable interface.

🔔 The Random class is a part of java.util package.

🔔 The Random class provides several methods to generate random numbers of type integer, double, long, float etc.

🔔 The Random class is thread-safe.

🔔 Random number generation algorithm works on the seed value. If not provided, seed value is created from system nano time.

The Random class in java has the following constructors.

S.No. Constructor with Description
1 Random()

It creates a new random number generator.

2 Random(long seedValue)

It creates a new random number generator using a single long seedValue.

The Random class in java has the following methods.

S.No. Methods with Description
1 int next(int bits)

It generates the next pseudo-random number.

2 Boolean nextBoolean()

It generates the next uniformly distributed pseudo-random boolean value.

3 double nextDouble()

It generates the next pseudo-random double number between 0.0 and 1.0.

4 void nextBytes(byte[] bytes)

It places the generated random bytes into an user-supplied byte array.

5 float nextFloat()

It generates the next pseudo-random float number between 0.0 and 1.0..

6 int nextInt()

It generates the next pseudo-random int number.

7 int nextInt(int n)

It generates the next pseudo-random integer value between zero and n.

8 long nextLong()

It generates the next pseudo-random, uniformly distributed long value.

9 double nextGaussian()

It generates the next pseudo-random Gaussian distributed double number with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0.

10 void setSeed(long seedValue)

It sets the seed of the random number generator using a single long seedValue.

11 DoubleStream doubles()

It returns a stream of pseudo-random double values, each conforming between 0.0 and 1.0.

12 DoubleStream doubles(double start, double end)

It retruns an unlimited stream of pseudo-random double values, each conforming to the given start and end.

13 DoubleStream doubles(long streamSize)

It returns a stream producing the pseudo-random double values for the given streamSize number, each between 0.0 and 1.0.

14 DoubleStream doubles(long streamSize, double start, double end)

It returns a stream producing the given streamSizenumber of pseudo-random double values, each conforming to the given start and end.

15 IntStream ints()

It returns a stream of pseudo-random integer values.

16 IntStream ints(int start, int end)

It retruns an unlimited stream of pseudo-random integer values, each conforming to the given start and end.

17 IntStream ints(long streamSize)

It returns a stream producing the pseudo-random integer values for the given streamSize number.

18 IntStream ints(long streamSize, int start, int end)

It returns a stream producing the given streamSizenumber of pseudo-random integer values, each conforming to the given start and end.

19 LongStream longs()

It returns a stream of pseudo-random long values.

20 LongStream longs(long start, long end)

It retruns an unlimited stream of pseudo-random long values, each conforming to the given start and end.

21 LongStream longs(long streamSize)

It returns a stream producing the pseudo-random long values for the given streamSize number.

22 LongStream longs(long streamSize, long start, long end)

It returns a stream producing the given streamSizenumber of pseudo-random long values, each conforming to the given start and end.

Let's consider an example program to illustrate methods of Random class.

import java.util.Random;

public class RandomClassExample {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		Random rand = new Random();
		System.out.println("Integer random number - " + rand.nextInt());
		System.out.println("Integer random number from 0 to 100 - " + rand.nextInt(100));
		System.out.println("Boolean random value - " + rand.nextBoolean());
		System.out.println("Double random number - " + rand.nextDouble());
		System.out.println("Float random number - " + rand.nextFloat());
		System.out.println("Long random number - " + rand.nextLong());
		System.out.println("Gaussian random number - " + rand.nextGaussian());



When we execute the above code, it produce the following output.

Random class in java