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OOP Vs Procedural Paradigms

Both object-oriented and procedure-oriented paradigms are very popular and most commonly used programming paradigms. The following table gives the differences between those.

Procedure-oriented Object-oriented
It is often known as POP (procedure-oriented programming). It is often known as OOP (object-oriented programming).
It follows the top-bottom flow of execution. It follows the bottom-top flow of execution.
Larger programs have divided into smaller modules called as functions. The larger program has divided into objects.
The main focus is on solving the problem. The main focus is on data security.
It doesn’t support data abstraction. It supports data abstraction using access specifiers that are public, protected, and private.
It doesn’t support inheritance. It supports the inheritance of four types.
Overloading is not supported. It supports the overloading of function and also the operator.
There is no concept of friend function and virtual functions. It has the concept of friend function and virtual functions.
Examples - C, FORTRAN Examples - C++ , Java ,,, Python, R Programming, etc.