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OOPs using C++


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C++ Practical Programs


Write a C++ program to declare a class. Declare pointer to class. Initialize and display the contents of the class member.


  • Step 1 - Include the required header files (iostream.h, conio.h, and windows.h for colors).
  • Step 2 - Create a class (Rectangle) with the following members as public members.
    • length and breadth as data members.
    • initialize(), getArea() and display() as member functions.
  • Step 3 - Create a main() method.
  • Step 4 - Create a variable (rect) and a pointer variable (class_ptr) of the above class inside the main() method.
  • Step 5 - Assign the address of class object (rect) to class pointer object (class_ptr).
  • Step 6 - Then, call the member functions initialize() and display() using class pointer object (class_ptr) to illustrate member functions access using class pointer.
  • Step 7 - Assign values to data members of the class using class pointer object to illustrate data members access using class pointer.
  • Step 8 - Finally, call the member functions initialize() and display() using class pointer object (class_ptr).


C++ Program
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class RectangleTest{

        int length, breadth;

        void initialize(int len, int bre){
            length = len;
            breadth = bre;
        int getArea(){
            return 2*length*breadth;
        void display(){
            int area = getArea();
            cout<<"\n*** Rectangle Information ***\n";
            cout<<"Length = "<<length;
            cout<<"\nBreadth = "<<breadth;
            cout<<"\nArea = "<<area;


int main()
    RectangleTest rect, *class_ptr;
    HANDLE color=GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
    class_ptr = &rect;

    //Accessing member functions using class pointer
    SetConsoleTextAttribute(color, 10 );    //Setting color Green
    cout<<"\nUsing member functions access";
    SetConsoleTextAttribute(color, 7 );     //Setting color White

    //Accessing data members using class pointer
    SetConsoleTextAttribute(color, 10 );    //Setting color Green
    cout<<"\nUsing data members access";
    SetConsoleTextAttribute(color, 7 );     //Setting color White
    class_ptr->length = 2;
    class_ptr->breadth = 3;

    return 0;


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